Tuesday, January 13, 2009


We stayed in Lincoln for Christmas this year. We were grateful we stayed when there were several storms passing through Utah, Wyoming, and Nebraska when we would have been traveling. We drove through terrible road conditions the previous two years and enjoyed spending the day lounging around our own home on Christmas morning this year.

I made the boys' pajamas (with Courtney's help). Ammon was really excited to finally put them on (he had been asking me to make them for two months) and even more excited for Santa to bring him presents. (We really tried getting across the reason we celebrate Christmas, but I don't think it's possible for a 3-year old to get beyond the excitement of presents.)

Poor Ryan had been really sick for the two days before Christmas and he had gotten bad enough that Jeff took him into the ER Christmas morning because we were worried about dehydration. Despite a pretty pathetic little Ryan in the morning, we had a really nice day. Even though we were so far from our families, it was nice to be able to see family on the webcams.

We had some friends over for a get together Christmas evening. It was really informal, but nice to spend a couple hours with some of the great friends we've made here.

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