Saturday, June 6, 2009


Jeff graduated from Law School! The past three years have been the most difficult and best years of our marriage (at least I think so, Jeff may have a different opinion). I am so proud of Jeff for his countless hours of study and stress, especially when I wasn't very supportive and selfish with my time with him. We were lucky enough to have our parents there to celebrate this great accomplishment. We also had a fun time afterwards at the Websters' clubhouse (which was beautifully decorated, by the way) for dinner and dessert with many of the great friends we made while living in Lincoln. I can't express how much we appreciated everything these great people did for us and for the friendships we made. They really became our family while we were so far from home.I don't know if I've ever seen Jeff so happy.

All the LDS law graduates (missing: Mark)

1 comment:

Lacy said...

Congratulations to the both of you! What an accomplishment! Good Luck with the bar exam and starting this new phase of your lives!